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10 Tips For Your Winter Survival Kit: Surviving a Snowstorm

Snowstorms can be a nightmare for drivers and homeowners alike. Snowstorms can happen at any time of the year, but they are most common during winter months. While it’s never too early to get prepared for a snowstorm, there is still some time before the next one. Here’s our list of 10 essential items that you should add to your home and car:

  1. Winter boots
  2. Extra pairs of socks
  3. Windproof jacket and gloves
  4. Hand-warmers
  5. Bottled water
  6. Necessary medications
  7. First aid kit
  8. Blankets and pillows
  9. Extra phone chargers or battery packs for your phone
  10. Extra food that will last up to 5 days in case roads are blocked off by snow or power outages occur
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Snowstorm survival kit checklist

In addition to the 10 essential items listed above, consider stocking up on items in the categories below that could make your life easier when a storm hits. It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Extra water

If you’re going to be driving in a snowstorm, it’s important that you pack a bottle of water. If your car breaks down and you’re stuck outside, you’ll need water to stay hydrated.

It’s also important that you have extra batteries for your phone. You can’t count on the power being turned back on when the snowstorm clears up. Your phone will be an important source of information during these storms, and no one wants to run out of battery power.

Storing your water

Storing your water is an important part of preparing for a snowstorm. You’ll want to keep all of your water in one location, so that it’s not scattered throughout the house and car.

One way to store your water is to buy or make a large container with a lid that can be closed tightly. This will help protect the water from contamination and prevent animals and insects from getting into it. A large container like this also makes it easy to transport your water when you need to go somewhere else.

Another option is to place bottles of drinking water inside of a plastic storage bin or tub with holes punched in the lid (like the ones used for storing food). Then, you can use an old t-shirt or blanket as a cover to protect them from any possible contamination.


The food that you keep in your house is one of the most important things for your survival when a snowstorm hits. Make sure to stock up on extra canned, boxed, and dry goods from your pantry. Having enough food will not only help keep you strong, but it will also ensure that you have something to eat even if your power goes out or roads are blocked off by snow.

Stock up on different types of food: protein-rich proteins like canned tuna or chicken, healthy carbohydrates like rice and beans, and fresh vegetables all make great additions to any home emergency kit.

Additionally, include items like crackers and cereal in case there’s not enough time to cook anything else. You can also include some desserts such as chocolate or granola bars so that you’ll have something sweet even if you don’t have time to bake cake!

Don’t forget about beverages: make sure to stock your kitchen with bottled water and juice boxes just in case the power goes out or you can’t find an open store for a few days.

Foods to stock up on

The grocery store is typically your last stop before the storm. Some items that you can fit in your shopping cart for the occasion are:

  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit
  • Non-perishable food like crackers and canned soup
  • Dried fruit
  • Pasta
  • Protein bars or granola bars

Winter clothes and shoes

One of the most important aspects of being prepared for a snowstorm is having all of the proper winter clothes and shoes. If you have your winter boots, gloves, coat and hat, you’re already half way there.

If you’re not quite sure what size to get, try out some options on yourself or bring in a couple of your old coats to see what will fit. The next step is to find out what type of socks will work best for you. If you plan on going outside in the cold weather, it’s crucial that you wear wool socks that provide warmth without losing their shape. Finally, if you plan on venturing outside during a snowstorm (and we hope that you don’t), make sure that your boots are waterproof as well as insulated.

Another great item to keep at home are hand-warmers. By holding one in each hand, they can actually keep your hands warm even when the air temperature dips below zero degrees Fahrenheit!

Lastly, be sure to stock up on bottled water and any necessary medications before an emergency strikes so that they won’t be lost if roads become impassable and power goes out.

Fashion for the snow

When the snow starts to fall, it’s time to get ready for winter. The key to looking fashionable in the snow is sticking with the basics. Here are some of the essentials that you should add to your wardrobe:

  • Wool sweaters and scarves
  • Boots
  • Thermal undergarments
  • Gloves and hats

Power outage equipment

If you think snowstorms only happen during winter months, think again. In the past few years, we have seen more than a dozen snowstorms in the same span of time. And that doesn’t even count the hurricanes and other natural disasters that have hit the United States.

While we all hope for the best, it’s important to be prepared for any situation. That way, you can handle whatever happens without stress or worry. One thing that many families forget is power outage equipment. Here are some items to include in your power outage kit:

  • Flashlights (and extra batteries)
  • Battery-powered radio
  • Dry food rations for several days
  • Extra phone chargers or battery packs for your phone
  • First aid kit
  • Blankets and pillows

Battery operated lights

Lighting can make a huge difference in how your home or car looks and feels when snow is on the ground. A simple step to take before the storm is to add battery operated lights to your home or car.

If you’re looking for a way to light up your whole house without having to worry about electricity, windproof candles are also great options. They are small and portable, but they won’t need any batteries.

If you want brighter lights, look no further than solar-powered lights that could be hung outside or mounted on your roof. These lights provide enough brightness for most tasks around the house and are powered by the sun.

Carrying an extra battery pack with you while driving also ensures that you’ll have power after the storm subsides.

Extra meds and first aid kit items to have during a storm

When winter storms hit, it’s wise to have your car and home in order. Here are 10 essential items that can help you be prepared for any snowstorm:

1. Winter boots- And if you forget them, make sure to have extra pairs of socks!

2. Windproof Jacket- It is important to have a jacket with a removable liner so that you don’t overheat while walking the dogs or shoveling out the driveway.

3. Gloves- When it’s cold outside, gloves will protect your hands from the cold, but they also give you a better grip when using tools outdoors.

4. Hand warmers- These pillows that heat up in water are great for keeping your hands warm during the colder months.

5. Bottled Water- Make sure you’re hydrated! You might not feel thirsty, but stay hydrated so your body has enough energy to function properly and fight off any illness or sickness that could arise from the storm

6. First Aid Kit- This kit won’t help cure any illness or injuries, but it will come in handy if someone bumps their head on something or falls and hits their face on the sidewalk

7. Blankets and Pillows- Having

Be prepared!

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